My fondest memories are of eating bowls full of homemade ice cream. My mother’s recipe was very different from this one, but it was wickedly sweet and made with condensed milk and sugar.
When I was younger, we would spend our holidays in a hut on an island off the North Queensland coast. I call it a hut because that is what it was—corrugated iron walls and roof, wooden beams, and a concrete floor. It was an open plan with bunk beds lined up against one wall for us four girls and my parents to sleep in and the kitchen and dining room on the other side. The windows were shutters held up by a wooden beam.
I remember coming in hot and thirsty from a day of rock-hopping, swimming, shell collecting, or exploring and sitting down to a cold bowl of homemade, sweet ice cream. Replenished, we were up and out the door again. The only way to this island was by boat, and we would take all the supplies we needed for those two months, as there was no electricity or corner store.
We lived on fresh fish, oysters, and crab caught and cooked over fires. Kerosene lamps provided light, and we had two kerosene fridges to keep things cold. In later years, we had a generator.
Xmas was always spent with a large gum tree branch decorated with our hand-made ornaments. We had a rainwater tank that supplied our water. Our shower was a tin hanging from the ceiling my parents would fill from the top. To release the water from the holes made from nails, you pulled a wire lever and the water emptied. It was barely enough time to clean yourself. The hottest part of the day was spent climbing the enormous boulders and lying in its shade, watching and making shapes in the clouds. Late afternoon was spent sitting on the beach after the tide went out, sifting through the mounds of shells washed in from the ocean, bagging them up to take home.
This ice cream reminded me of those holidays. It was a wonderful place where man and technology had not yet spoiled its beauty and peace. Today, there is electricity on the island, but much remains unspoiled.
(I am the younger one, then my sisters Donna, Shelley and oldest, Kerry)
Cape Upstart Bay, North Queensland, Australia
When making ice cream, a blender or food processor is necessary. If you have an ice cream maker, follow the directions for use. If you are like me and do not own one, making ice cream without a machine is possible. It needs more time and work, and the results are slightly less creamy but delicious.
- Ensure all ingredients are cold before blending and freezing – this helps achieve a good texture.
- Adding fat is crucial to achieving a rich and creamy texture. Full-fat coconut milk and nut butter are great additions to an ice cream mixture.
- Covering the bowl or container in the freezer prevents ice crystals from forming.
raspberry coconut ice cream
serves 4 – 6
I was inspired by this. (I ended up buying their ice cream e-book, which will help me make a lot more ice cream in the future!)
This was my first attempt at making ice cream, and I was surprised at how straightforward it was and how delicious the result was—a perfect welcome to these warmer days. I usually try a recipe twice or more before I am content with the outcome, but there was no need to with this one. I added a lot of berries as the coconut taste came through, and the texture balanced between ice cream and sorbet. You could use this as a base and replace it with any berry you want.
1 can full-fat coconut milk (place the can in the fridge for an hour or overnight before using)
¼ cup liquid sweetener of choice (maple syrup, honey, brown rice syrup) + 2 Tbsp – divided
2 tsp vanilla extract
3 cups frozen raspberries – divided
- Line a loaf tin with waxed paper on the base and sides.
- Blend the cold coconut milk, ¼ cup maple syrup, vanilla extract, and 1 cup frozen raspberries until smooth.
- Pour the mixture into a bowl, cover it, and place it in the freezer. Mix with a fork or a small beater every half an hour for three hours. When mixing, bring the frozen outer edges into the unfrozen middle.
- Just before the last stirring session, add 1 cup whole raspberries and gently stir into the ice cream mixture.
- Pour the very cold berry mixture into the lined loaf tin for easier scooping.
- Place the remaining 1 cup frozen berries and 2 tablespoons maple syrup in the blender or food processor. Blend until smooth, then pour the mixture over the ice cream.
- Swirl through with a fork, tightly cover with cling film and place in the freezer until frozen (3 – 4 hours). Allow to thaw for 15 – 20 minutes before serving.
Goodness shared from Stacey
2 responses
Lovely memory you have shared and will try the ice cream. Thanks Stacey!!
Thanks Aytana xx