rainy day soup

vegetable barley ginger soup with lemon thyme

7th December 2014


A soup to warm your hands and to strengthen your courage…

We can do anything if we sit with intention, just holding it in our thoughts, our hearts and lifting it up with LOVE, LIGHT, JOY, PEACE and COURAGE.

There are no limits to what we can do…..try it!


vegetable barley ginger soup with lemon thyme

Serves 4 – 6

Inspired by Noa.

If I am out of home-made vegetable stock, I add the rind end of a wedge of parmesan – it adds a savoury, salty flavour to the soup.  This recipe also called for 4 dried shiitake mushrooms, thinly sliced – I tend not to eat mushrooms, so I left them out. But if you like the deep earthy flavour of mushrooms, add them to the soup with the vegetables.


2 Tbsp olive oil

2 stalks/150g celery

3 Tbsp/30g fresh ginger, finely chopped

1 tsp turmeric powder

1 stick of kombu

1 fresh bay leaf

1 medium/300g sweet potato or pumpkin

2 medium/170g carrots

a large wedge cabbage (200g)

⅓ cup/70g whole barley

10 cups/2½ L vegetable stock or water

1 bunch/15g lemon thyme

1 bunch/30g each fresh parsley and dill

Extra parsley, dill and chard/kale

2 tsp rock salt

¼ tsp freshly ground pepper


1.  Finely chop the celery, wash and peel the remaining vegetables, then cut into generous chunks so that they do not break up in the cooking.

2.  In a heavy-based saucepan, heat the olive oil, then add the celery, ginger, turmeric, kombu and bay leaf – saute until all are coated.

3.  Add the remaining vegetables, barley and pour in the water so that the vegetables are covered.

4.  Tie up tightly the lemon thyme, parsley and dill and place on top, bring to the boil and turn down the heat  – simmer covered for 1 hour.

5.  Remove the bunch of lemon thyme, parsley and dill and discard.

6.  Add the salt and freshly ground pepper, roughly chop a handful of fresh parsley, dill and chard/kale and stir this into the soup.

7.  Using a potato masher, press down a few times to break up the vegetables – allow to sit for 5 minutes before tasting – adding extra seasoning where needed.

Serve with a drizzling of olive oil and extra cracked pepper.

Goodness shared from Stacey


30th December 2012


listen carefully



body and mind

and you will always







Many, many versions of this soup.  My version replaces the bread with whole barley, red or wild rice. Traditionally, ribollita uses Cavelo Nero kale – a beautiful black cabbage.  I use a combination of savoy cabbage and kale. 

Allow this dish to guide you.  Patience, gentle and respectful cooking results in a dish that is more flavourful and it calms and soothes the mind and emotions while renewing the body.

Serves 4, with second helpings.


1 cup dried cannellini beans\chickpeas, soaked overnight  (keep pre-soaked beans in the freezer ready to use)

3 Tbsp oil/ghee

½ dried chilli, crumbled

small handful fresh sage

5 cm sprig fresh rosemary

2 sprigs lemon thyme

2 bay leaves

2 sticks celery, chopped

2 medium carrots, chopped

1 potato, diced

1 small white cabbage, shredded

¼ cup barley, rinsed

8 cups water/vegetable stock

1 cup cherry tomatoes, finely chopped  (or tin good-quality peeled tomatoes)

2 Tbsp tomato paste

bunch of Cavelo Nero kale, thick stalks removed, roughly chopped

rock salt and freshly ground black pepper

extra virgin olive oil, to serve


1.  Drain the beans and place them in a heavy-based saucepan.  Generously cover with water, and simmer, uncovered over low heat for 1 hour.


2.  Heat ghee/oil in a large cooking pot over low heat, add the dried chilli, bay leaves, fresh sage, rosemary and thyme – cook for a couple of minutes to allow the flavours to open up.

3.  Add celery, carrots, potato, and barley/rice – cook for a couple of minutes, then add the cabbage, tomatoes, tomato paste and vegetable stock, cover and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.

4.  Stir in the beans/chickpeas, cover and cook for 1 hour or more, adding water if needed until the vegetables and beans are soft.

5.  Add a generous pinch of salt and a few good grindings of black pepper. Remove from heat and allow to sit for 1 hour to improve the flavours.  Reheat and stir in the kale.

Ladle into warm bowls and generously drizzle with a bright green, rich, peppery olive oil.

slow down and savour this dish


 Goodness shared from Stacey

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