Amy Chaplin’s easy pine nut sauce

Don’t be deceived by its unassuming appearance—it is delicious! I have replaced our weekly pesto sauce with this one. It is quick and easy, and any leftovers make a delicious salad dressing. Serve with homemade pasta, skillet-roasted tomatoes, and steamed greens. ~ sunlight and water drops~ easy pine nut sauce Recipe from ‘Whole Food Cooking Every Day’ by Amy Chaplin. […]

cherry tomato sauce

As promised in Stacey’s last post, I have finally finished this ‘Cherry Tomato Sauce’ post. (Thanks for the pics, Stace). Ever since sampling the ‘real’ pizzas in Italy a few years ago and hunting down the ‘authentic’ ones here, I have been experimenting with a sauce that replicates the simple version they use. This is […]

pesto pasta with roasted baby vegetables

My veggie garden has become ‘weeded’ all of a sudden. When it rains, the plants thrive, however so do those weeds, and even though I intend to hit them at their first sighting, within a few days of neglect, a ‘carpet’ appears. This unpleasant sight greeted me when I headed out to pull up some […]