fig almond orange swirl cookies (vegan)

This recipe was quite a journey.  After many attempts and too many references to mention, I persevered, as there seemed too much scrumptious potential in these cookies to give up. It felt like I was conjuring up a kind of magic, from the transformation of ingredients to the finished result – even more so due […]

citrus coconut cupcakes (vegan)

When we lived in Israel, we were very fortunate to be surrounded by citrus orchards, and now, here in Portugal, we have our line of orange and lemon trees that extend down the driveway.  The trees are abundant each winter, and I struggle to use all those oranges.  I managed to boil and freeze a […]

orange marmalade jam

There is an orange tree that sits right on the edge of the vegetable garden. In Spring, the citrus trees are in full bloom, and two triangles are carpeted with snowy, white blossoms.  The air is sweet, pungent and glorious.  Its scent follows you around wherever you go. In Summer, the flowers are replaced with round, […]