bisi-bele bāth – revisited

I thought I would revisit some of my favourite recipes, which I make weekly and update our personal preferences. This is one dish I love to eat in the cooler months (which in Sintra is the most of the year). Once I start eating a warm bowl of Bisi-Bele Bāth, a feeling of being present […]

cleansing bowl with a tahini ginger turmeric sauce

This is a beautiful cleansing restorative bowl that is so easy to make.  A perfect dish for busy lives and those who desire to eat well, choosing beneficial foods to support you on your journey.  The mix of cooked and raw vegetables provides a feeling of cleansing, balancing, and grounding nourishment for the mind and […]

turmeric flavoured millet, amaranth & seasonal vegetables

I thought I would share this simple but extremely quick and easy nutritious meal I have most mornings. You will appreciate how easily the body digests it. It is my first meal at around 10 or 11 o’clock, depending on when I feel the first signs of hunger. I love these one-pot meals, which use […]