artichokes with a tahini – sesame dipping sauce

A particular favourite with my daughter. This is another recipe created for Holmes Place magazine as part of an ongoing concept of seasonal ‘superfoods’ throughout the year. Globe artichokes, with their sharp, sometimes prickly-edged ‘petals,’ are actually the plant’s flower buds and will open up into showy mauve thistle heads. When picked young, as in […]

apple almond oat slice & a flower mandala

The clouds opened up and offered us an offering, and now, at this moment, we are soaking up the rain, sun, and light. and feeling truly blessed in seeing all this sweet unknown… tips Leave the skins on the apples as they give the slice a beautiful red blush. I have tried this with many fruits, my […]

turmeric flavoured millet, amaranth & seasonal vegetables

I thought I would share this simple but extremely quick and easy nutritious meal I have most mornings. You will appreciate how easily the body digests it. It is my first meal at around 10 or 11 o’clock, depending on when I feel the first signs of hunger. I love these one-pot meals, which use […]