beetroot palya

I prefer to keep this palya simple and the flavours subtle, as it is normally served with other complex dishes. Use fresh, small-medium-sized beetroot with lots of flavour and preferably with their greens attached—a reliable sign of freshness. Always give them a squeeze to avoid buying old, spongy beetroot that has been stored too long. […]
roasted pumpkin palya

from garden to table… Something about the shape and colour of a pumpkin in its round, jolly state, glowing bright and light amongst the blackened droopy leaves and tangled stems, makes you smile. Particularly now, after being absent from the garden for three weeks, attending our yearly yoga retreat in India. I came back full […]
broccoli palya

After being unable to make it to the garden for a while, I was overjoyed to find a blanket of these smaller stems of sprouting broccoli, which are masses of tight flower buds. Buds that, left unharvested, will open into nectar-heavy, yellow flowers, which the bees and butterflies love. If you catch them before the […]