Warmer weather calls out for all things cool, clean and crisp.
Unfortunately, crispness also applies to my garden due to a lack of rain and unseasonal very hot, dry weather. Unlike Stacey’s green, lush vegetable garden in Portugal, ours is a work in progress.
At least someone is enjoying its current state…….
For breakfast in this type of weather, instead of my regular oats, I have been experimenting with ‘oat smoothies’. I find the addition of oats, apart from all their goodness, provide longer sustenance than a regular smoothie. Soaking the oats first aids digestion. As soon as I get up, I place the oats in a bowl, cover with hot water, then leave to soak while I do other tasks that need to be done. That way, they’ve soaked enough for when I am ready to make my smoothie.
breakfast oat smoothie
Choose your own variety of grain + fruit + nuts/seeds + milk. Whatever you choose, aim to include at least 1 ingredient from all 4 groups. Add sweetener of choice if prefer – I use cinnamon.
Serves 1 – 2
¼ cup soaked wholegrain oats/preferred grain (just cover oats with hot water & let sit for 10 minutes)
1 banana
½ cup soy milk/nut milk of choice
handful blueberries
handful raspberries
1 Tbsp chia gel*
a good sprinkling of ground flaxseed/sunflower seed mix
½ tsp cinnamon
1. Add all ingredients to a blender. Blend till thoroughly mixed. Serve immediately.
*To make Chia Gel – In a sealed, glass jar, add 1 tbsp chia seeds & 8 tbsp water. Immediately shake well, then let rest for approx. 10 minutes. Shake jar every minute or so to prevent seeds clumping together. Store in the fridge. Add to smoothies, cereal, omelettes, etc.
Goodness shared from Donna