golden pistachio cardamom cookies (vegan)
These golden oat cookies contain very little flour, and because of that, they are a bit crumbly to mould. Use a heaped round tablespoon to measure the cookie dough and flatten it with damp fingers. If you find the cookie dough sticking, dip the spoon in water and then use wet fingers to push the […]
Andreia’s coconut cookies (vegan)
These delicious cookies have shreds of crunchy coconut on the outside and a soft, silky, cakey interior. They started with a cookie Andreia from Soul Food Vegan baked for us when she was preparing lunches for Jivana Week. I adapted them slightly, inspired by a coconut cookie recipe in Kim Boyce’s ‘Good to the Grain’. […]
almond nut quinoa bites (vegan)
Cool softened air, full mOOn swell, falling leaves, savouring the light…. These have been a decadent treat around here and loved by all. Perfect when you need something more than a dried date or fig for a sweet after a meal. Based on this recipe from Green Kitchen Stories – a wonderful video shows just how […]
Anna’s vegan marble cake
This cake is based on the magical spice cake, a regular in our house. An amazing vegan moist cake that my brilliant friend, Anna, has recently been experimenting with and sharing those experiments via email. First, there was the orange-zested cranberry cake, and more recently, this marble cake. variation For more contrast in the marbling, omit […]
golden zesty mango coconut balls (vegan)
Oh goodness… It’s been a while since I’ve been in the garden, as the weather has been constant, with days of rain and wet. But now… This morning, there was a celebration of LIGHT, golden LIGHT, warm LIGHT, glorious, goodness-filled LIGHT, a welcome, a gentle sigh, a return and a new beginning… inside and out golden […]
a dog, a story and a date biscuit slice (vegan version)
January always seems like a time for simplifying and focusing my energies, cleaning up and organizing our living space, refreshing everything, developing new rhythms or putting back into place the old ones that have slipped by, getting rid of that old energy and allowing space for the new. So, apart from re-organizing my workspace, I […]
health crunch muesli cookies (vegan)
Happiness = Getting up early First rain Yellow leaves falling A big girl who will still sit in your lap sometimes A big boy that still needs hugs, all the time The first green salad from the garden Golden afternoon light. Little, white jasmine flowers falling on the ground, waiting to be picked up, and […]