raw carrot cake slice with lemon cream (vegan)

Packed and ready to go home to Portugal after being in Australia for three magical weeks with family. Winter here – Summer there. Just before I left home, I photographed and experimented with this recipe for a series of raw foods compiled for ‘Holmes Place Magazine’. I made it a few times for the Jivana […]
crunchy slaw salad with mustard greens

I can feel spring deep in my being. I am craving the crunch and freshness of salads, which curiously draw me into the vegetable garden. At first glance, it seems there are few things growing at this time of year; everything is in that in-between stage, but if I soften my gaze, there is so […]
flaxseed crackers

yesterday, it felt like SPRING it left me in wonder at all this loveliness right at my feet! today the wind howls, nips and bites – leaving me somewhat bruised and bent but still rooted. tomorrow? well… FLAXSEED CRACKERS makes approximately 40 crackers These are an excellent gluten-free snack inspired by Sarah Britton’s Detox workshop I […]
Israeli salad with a green herb tahini dressing

just because… It has been far too long since I last posted here, and although I missed it, my mind has been filling up and spilling over. So I stop and start in this space, reluctantly abandoning it, vowing to return later when the flow is complete and coherent. And now… Since our move here, […]
sweet potato, carrot & kale palya

palya Palya is a Kannada (South Indian language) word for a dry side dish made with any vegetable or a combination. Palya is usually cooked in dry heat, which brings out the flavour of the vegetables when the natural sugars in the vegetables caramelize and the flavour is concentrated. Small pieces of uniformly cut vegetables […]