orange juice

When you need to brighten things up even if the weather isn’t.

Beautiful, bright, yellow, warm.

Freshly picked, freshly squeezed orange juice.

One thing I love about Europe is the cheap and plentiful freshly squeezed orange juice. The Portuguese love their orange juice. Most cafés have an industrial juicer right next to the espresso machine and a giant bin of oranges somewhere nearby. Everywhere I go in Portugal, I find it in cafes and sometimes even kiosks, and it’s always a delight. It is so sweet!


Just in one glass of orange juice, there is about 125 mg of vitamin C.

Oranges also contain a high potassium and calcium content. They are a good source of folate, vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids), vitamin B1, potassium, copper, and pantothenic acid.

Out of all the citrus fruits, oranges contain the most vitamin A (beta-carotene), which helps against infections by supporting the immune system and preventing recurrent ear infections.

Oranges are full of soluble fibre, which helps lower cholesterol. They also contain a flavonoid called hesperidin, which has strong anti-inflammatory properties.


helpful sources –

Goodness shared from Stacey