We are continually bombarded with the importance of including Omega-3 and Omega-6, amongst other essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Unfortunately, these often come from companies trying to sell their supplements. I am a huge believer that if I aim to eat a healthy, clean, balanced diet, there is no need for extra supplementation—a great money saver. Another downside to taking various multivitamins and supplements is that too much of a good thing can actually cause more harm. Certain vitamins and minerals are harmful in large doses and can interfere with the absorption of iron, calcium, and other ‘goodies’.

And what are those Omega benefits?

Omega-3’s have anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant properties as well as many other important health benefits. They reduce inflammation and can provide protection against cardiovascular disease, arthritis, skin conditions, depression and other mood-related disorders.  Omega-6, when sourced through diet, has anti-inflammatory properties. It can help the bloating and pain associated with PMS. It also maintains healthy skin, hair and nails and generally helps to bring about hormonal and emotional balance.

Omega 3 and Omega 6 interact with each other so the balance between them is crucial for good health.

Knowing this, I have decided to try supplementing my body with natural foods. This recipe consists of ground pepitas and flaxseeds, which provide the minimum healthy dietary intake of both Omega-3 and Omega-6.  

Usually, one is taken more than the other in fish oil supplements; however, a balance of both is important. So, this seed blend does that perfectly.

Flaxseeds are high in Omega-3, whereas pepitas (pumpkin seeds) are almost equally equivalent in Omega-6. Sunflower seeds and walnuts provide high sources of the 6, if you would like to vary your mixture.



100g  flaxseed (I used a mixture of golden and brown)

100g pepitas


  1. Combine the seeds in a spice blender and grind to a fairly fine mixture. Depending on the size of your grinder, this may need to be completed in stages.
  2. Pour into a glass jar with a lid. Shake well to distribute seeds evenly. Store in the fridge.

how to use?

Use two heaped teaspoons on cereal, pies/quiches, and salad dressings. The list is endless. I add mine to my morning oats.  This quantity provides the daily minimum healthy dietary intake of both Omega-3 and Omega-6.

Goodness shared from Donna