hemp milk

Hemp is a quick plant-based milk to prepare because it doesn’t need to be soaked overnight, unlike almonds or oats

Drink it on its own, add a little sweetener or spice for a healthy pick-me-up, or sprinkle with chia seeds to create an incredible breakfast pudding.

Hemp seeds (hulled hemp nuts) are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, all ten essential amino acids, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, vitamin A and magnesium.  


If you find the taste a little grassy, use half-hemp and half-hazelnuts (there is also no need to soak)—both are very convenient and quick.




preparation 10 minutes

makes 3 cups


1 cup hemp seeds

3 cups filtered water


  1. Rinse hemp seeds well and place them in a blender with 3 cups filtered water. Blend on high for 1 minute.
  2. Place the nut bag or cloth over a wide-mouth jug and pour in the blended mixture.
  3. Strain the milk until only the pulp is left.  Use your hand to squeeze out the last of the milk.  Pour into a sterilized glass jar.

Homemade milk does separate, so be sure to give it a very good shake before using it. The milk keeps for about three days in an airtight container in the fridge.


Goodness shared from Stacey